Opening the Heart & Restoring Love
Kriya to Open the Heart Center
This is an intermediate level set to create open loving feelings. It opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly.
Naryan Kriya for Peace and Healing Relationships
This mantra helps you to relax and allow yourself to surrender into a state of non-resistance, going with the flow. The sound Narayan is related to the water element and represents Vishnu, the God of the Water. Water cleanses you, it flows and it can carry you if you allow yourself to float, to relax. As babies in our mothers womb, water was our home, where we felt safe and protected. Chanting this mantra brings you to this primal state of inner peace and once we feel it, we vibrate it and then we project it outward, bringing peace into the world. You vibrate the divine essence.
Sat Narayan brings you beyond the phenomenal world, the 3 dimensional world you can see with your physical eyes, it allows you to sense the infinite, it opens you up for a more subtle, peaceful experience of life as it sows the seeds of peace and patience inside of you, bringing you to the realisation that peace cannot be created, rather it is the most pure essence of your True Self, Sat Nam.