Rely on your Spirit at all times!
Kriya to Keep Up Spirit
When you feel low in spirit, this kriya will elevate you. The first two exercises work on balancing the brain and charging the pranic energy through the heart and lungs with powerful breathing. The subsequent exercises distribute this life force through the rest of your body; energising the spine, cleansing the digestive system and improve the flow of cerebral spinal fluid through the entire body.
Meditation to Build your Spiritual Stamina
“All our life needs is for us to come to a spiritual endurance. The effect of this spiritual endurance is the primary factor that can take you calmly and quietly through the channels of life. There is no difference between you and your divine endurance.
The pressure we all go through is sometimes unbearable and this pressure is always here. Atmosphere has a pressure, longitude and latitude have a pressure, and aptitude and attitude have a pressure. That is why we build spiritual endurance through meditation and mantra.
Sometimes each person's load can only be taken collectively. Collectively we can pull the weight. We have a collective strength in us, hand in hand, in friendship, in the love, and in the affection. Do not keep things to yourself and say, ‘I cannot.’ There is nothing you cannot do.” -Yogi Bhajan 10/5/01