Start your day like this! Morning Sadhana

Kriya for Morning Sadhana

Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice. It is the time that you take out of your day to be with your True Self. This kriya works on turning up the entire body. It balances the 7 main chakras, energises the spine and strengthens muscles in the body. It gives you flexibility in the body which fuels a flexible and calm mind.

Meditation for a Calm Heart

This meditation induces the feeling of calmness. It creates a still point for the prana at the Heart Center. Emotionally, this meditation adds clear perception to your relationships with yourself and others. If you are upset at work or in a personal relationship, sit in this meditation for 3 to 15 minutes before deciding how to act. Then act with your full heart. Physically, this meditation strengthens the lungs and heart.

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