Class 10: Let your 10 bodies work for you!

Kriya for Awakening the Ten Bodies

Laya Yoga Meditation

This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings the soul and destiny present. It lets your activity serve your purpose. It makes you creative and focused on your real priorities and helps you sacrifice what is needed to accomplish them.

The word Laya refers to suspension from the ordinary world. Laya Yoga fixes your attention and energy on your essence and higher consciousness without normal distractions and attachments having power over your reactive awareness.

This mantra opens the secret book of Laya Yoga. It enables you to consciously remember and experience the link between you and the Creator. Practice the mantra for 40-120 days and it will etch into the subconscious the memory and experience of your true identity.

The practice of the meditation gives intuition and the ability to heal. When you practice this kriya earnestly, be conscious and graceful with each word you speak. Do not listen to negative or coarse speech from others. Remember that the sins of the past are of the past, and that some of the greatest saints were sinners first.

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