Class 12: Metabolism & Relaxation

Kriya for Metabolism & Relaxation

Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health. This kriya releases tension accompanied by nervousness. It also works on the upper triangle of chakras and stimulates the balance of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is an easy exercise series which derives its powerful effects from the sequence of glandular stimulation and the use of praanayam.

Siri Gaitri Mantra for Healing

Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung is the mantra for the sacred healing meditation first taught in the Summer of 1973. This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves. It was also practiced at every White Tantric Yoga® Course for the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan.

"For healing at a distance, this is the mantra. It cuts across time and space so you can send healing energy to someone thousands of miles away as easily as you can send it to someone across the room."

-Shakti Parwha Kaur

Kundalini Yoga practitioners have been using this meditation for the last four and a half decades. Try it when you want to send healing energy to a loved one or need healing yourself.

Practicing the mudra and the mantra properly will optimize the energy flow and will make this meditation all the more potent.

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